Excelsior Fine-Art Terms of Use

Excelsior have put considerable time and effort into the creation of this collection of Fine-Art images which are royalty-free for personal or educational (non-commercial) use with the following conditions:

Personal / Educational Use

1) Please do not modify the images and don’t remove our URL from the bottom.
2) If adding any images to your personal web pages, please provide a link back to
http://www.excelsiordirect.com - and don’t forget to let us know - we enjoy hearing from you!

Commercial Use

Commercial applications will be considered on an individual basis, however, royalty-free commercial use is normally permitted subject to the following additional guidelines:

3) Please inform Excelsior about your proposed use of the images
4) The images should not be distributed as part of a graphics collection or screen-saver product
5) Please credit Excelsior within the application

If you have a commercial application for the images in mind, or any questions regarding the above, please email:
- you’ll find us very reasonable to deal with!

To the best of Excelsior’s knowledge the original paintings depicted in our Fine-Art images are copyright-free by virtue of the time elapsed since the artist’s death. Due to the complexity of international copyright law, Excelsior are unable to indemnify you against any legal action which may be taken by a third party as a result of your use of the images. You may therefore wish to take legal advice before doing so.

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